Presentation Secondary School Waterford


Home School Community Liaison

At Presentation Secondary school we are fortunate to have a designated HSCL co-ordinator. Our HSCL is Sandra Keating, and she can be contacted by ringing (086)7941610 or by emailing

A note about the work of HSCL
HSCL Coordinators are teachers in schools, assigned to HSCL, to work primarily with the salient adults in the child’s life, in order to empower them, so that they can better support their children to attend school, participate in education and develop positive attitudes to life-long learning.   Central to the HSCL initiative, is the identification of needs and the provision of a tailored and proportionate response to those needs, through a range of interventions, which are evidence-based, focused and structured.

HSCL Coordinators, as agents of change in schools, work in an integrated way with all other support services, particularly School Completion Programme staff and Educational Welfare Officers, to implement a whole-school approach to improving attendance, participation and retention in education.

The HSCL Coordinator reaches out beyond the school walls to the homes and communities from which our pupils come. The Coordinator can help parents to understand what happens in the school, what facilities and supports are available and the school’s procedures. This better understanding empowers parents to make more informed decisions about their daughter’s learning. The Coordinator supports parents through home visits, classes and through the involvement with agencies who support the learning process in the community.

Feb 03
5th Year Erasmus+ trips to Germany & France
Feb 04
Pre Exams for 3rd & 6th Years
Feb 11
Pre Exams for LCA & 6th Years
Feb 13
Pre Exams for 6th Years
It's been a busy term for our Transition Year students; catch up on the big events from the TY calendar in our Christmas newsletter linked below!
Cannon Street, Waterford, Co. Waterford, Ireland
051 376 584
© 2025 Presentation Secondary School Waterford