Presentation Secondary School Waterford

Head Girl's Welcome

Head Girl's Welcome

Welcome back everyone to the new school year of 2024/2025! As this year's Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl, we would like to extend an especially warm welcome to our new students, their parents, and any new staff. We hope that you all had a fantastic summer and are ready to take on this school year with enthusiasm and determination.

To the class of 2024, congratulations on making it through secondary! We trust that you have achieved the results you were seeking, through your dedication and hard work over the years. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours! Thank you for setting such a good example for us and the younger years.

To our first-year students, we hope you are adapting to life as a Pres girl and that your transition from primary to secondary school has been as seamless as possible. It can be tricky to get used to, but you are able for it and once you believe in your capabilities, you will get on fine. If you need to talk to anyone you can come to us prefects, your mentors, or any member of staff. We are happy to help, or even just to talk if that’s what you need. Enjoy the next few years as much as you can because you’ll be finished before you know it (take it from us). Parents, make sure you get prepared too because it will go by in a flash.

Our fellow 6th years, this is the home stretch! It flew by, but we still have a few months left so enjoy them while you can.

We are looking forward to this next school year and for students, teachers, staff, and parents to continue to collaborate so we can flourish as a community. We as a school community would like to take this chance to extend our gratitude to all staff members for their unwavering dedication to maintaining our school’s high standards. Your hard work is truly admirable, and like nothing we have seen before. We are in awe every day of the sheer amount of time and effort spent by every single one of you, in and outside of your working day, to further our education.

Lastly, we want to say how proud we are to be representatives in the position given to us both, as Head and Deputy Head Girl. We could not have picked a better school community to be a member of. We wish everyone the best of luck in the upcoming academic year!

Angie Goma & Holly Power

Mar 11
TY Musical
Mar 12
TY Musical
Mar 13
TY Musical
Mar 17
School closed - Bank Holiday
Cannon Street, Waterford, Co. Waterford, Ireland
051 376 584
© 2025 Presentation Secondary School Waterford