Presentation Secondary School Waterford

Social Awareness

As a CEIST school we aspire to stand in solidarity with those who are powerless and marginalized. Our vision and mission is for a compassionate and just society inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Our school aims to promote the founding vision of the Presentation Sisters by:

  • Seeking dignity and rights for every person.
  • Empowering the most vulnerable in society.
  • Encouraging equality of opportunity and equal access for all.
  • Enabling young people to become catalysts for social change.

In order for us to be socially aware and ensure that the rights and needs of all are met, we are involved in a number of activities, projects and groups that take place both in school and in the wider local community.

Social Awareness and TY

In Transition Year, it is possible for us to promote social awareness using the curriculum in a number of ways:

TY integrated PE Programme:

This takes place over the course of TY and sees our students working with people from Belmont and START (young people with intellectual disabilities). It is a certified course for TY students but more importantly, it promotes student integration with people with disabilities. The aim of this programme is awareness-raising but also for our students to learn new interpersonal and participation skills. The group takes part in PE activities that emphasise team-building. Outside activities are also part of this programme- trips to the beach and bowling are just some of the ways that students are made aware of the role they play in social integration. There is also an option for TY students to become Special Olympics coaches as an extra-curricular activity.

It is a testament to this course and the people involved that many of our students continue to volunteer with START and Belmont after they complete TY.

In our wider school community we also aim to promote social awareness through a range of activities:


Each year we take part in fundraising for the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage fund. The 5th years under the guidance of their Year Head raise funds to send 2 students to Lourdes as helpers. This year the campaign is being lead by Mr Barber; they have had a non-uniform day, church gate collections and they have been bag-packing. They have raised enough to send 4 students on the pilgrimage in June 2014.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international voluntary Catholic Christian organisation. A key part of the mission of the SVP is to work for Social Justice. Members work closely with many people in our society who still suffer from poverty and social exclusion.

Each year at Christmas, we encourage students and staff to get involved in the local Christmas Hamper Appeal. Students bring in non-perishable food items which will be collected this year by members of the Student Council. They will, in turn prepare hampers with the help of the members of the Social Justice Group that can be distributed by the SVP to those most in need in our local community this Christmas.

Presentation Social Justice Group

Launched in 2010 on Presentation day, the PSJ hopes to further the founding vision of Nano Nagle and the Presentation Sisters by exploring the root causes and highlighting some of the many problems facing our environment and the peoples of our local, national and global communities.

Our motto for the year is inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. He advocated for humankind to "be the change you want to see in the world”. In this group, we aim to be the vehicle through which the poor, oppressed and those deprived of their rights can tell their story. We hope to be able to communicate on their behalf and create an awareness in our school community of the difficulties that they face in their everyday existence.

The Social Justice group is lead by Ms. Murphy and meets on Tuesdays at 1:30pm.

Click here to read the work of the Social Justice Group.

Jan 21
4th & 5th Year PTMs
Feb 03
School closed - Bank Holiday
Mar 04
1st Year PTM
Mar 11
TY Musical
It's been a busy term for our Transition Year students; catch up on the big events from the TY calendar in our Christmas newsletter linked below!
A snapshot of life in the Presentation for term one. For more updates, follow us on our socials: @pres_waterford on Instagram. Presentation Secondary School, Waterford, on Facebook. @PresWaterford on X.
Cannon Street, Waterford, Co. Waterford, Ireland
051 376 584
© 2025 Presentation Secondary School Waterford