Presentation Secondary School Waterford

SVP party


The Presentation Secondary SVP committee has put an immense amount of work into the organisation this year. From fund raisers to care packages, so much has been done, and it has not gone unnoticed! Last week the whole committee gathered to share some pizza and enjoy watching the videos created by SVP committees in other schools across the Southeast. Over the past month, the committees across the southeast have been tasked with creating an informational video, an art piece that represented their community, and a small gift for another school on SVP youth day. Over the course of the month, we all worked incredibly hard in groups on each aspect of the task. We even impressed ourselves at how well everything turned out. Last week was truly a special week as our finished pieces came to fruition and we got to see saw what other schools across the southeast had been working on. Debbie, who had come into our school for one final visit, to present us with our Young SVP badges and certs had kindly supplied the committee with pizza as a treat to reward our arduous work throughout the year.

Chairperson Jeb Pembele and deputy chairperson Heather O’Reagan kindly organised small gifts for Debbie and Ms Phelan, the organising teacher. Jeb thanked everyone who had taken part in SVP during the year and acknowledged the challenging work and cooperation of everyone to work through the busy schedule. Many goodbyes were said but we had achieved so much that we all left feeling fulfilled with what we had done over the course of the year.

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By Katia

Feb 03
5th Year Erasmus+ trips to Germany & France
Feb 04
Pre Exams for 3rd & 6th Years
Feb 11
Pre Exams for LCA & 6th Years
Feb 13
Pre Exams for 6th Years
It's been a busy term for our Transition Year students; catch up on the big events from the TY calendar in our Christmas newsletter linked below!
Cannon Street, Waterford, Co. Waterford, Ireland
051 376 584
© 2025 Presentation Secondary School Waterford